If you are looking for a calendar, alarm or a To Dos app, then look no further. This is now a 3 in 1 App which lets you schedule events, create a to do list, set alarms and provides a clock UI.
-Clock, which can be customized to hide or show the seconds.
-Alarms with snooze, repeats and sounds options.
-Lets you add and delete alarms.
-A day planner that has your calendar on the left and to do list on the right.
- Add and delete items to you to do list
- Rearrange item on your to do list.
-Mark completed items
-Easily modify created events in you calendar
-Tap or swipe from the edge of the page to flip to the next or previous page.
-A jump calendar lets you jump straight to the desired page.
- Create calendar events even if they don’t have a regular repeat pattern.
- An elaborate Help Section, which describes more features this app has to offer.
Scheduling events that recur every other day on the iPad calendar is a bummer, but this app allows you to create a simple or complex recurring event such as cycle-based event with exception dates. You no longer have to create a new event for every recurrence. This app creates just one event with all the desired recurrences. It lets you manage all the recurrences of a particular event. With this app any changes to an event attribute (such as time, calendar, alarms, location etc.) can propagate to all its recurrences. No more tedious work of changing each recurrence attribute just because it doesnt occur "daily, weekly, month or yearly".
(1)This app allows you to define the interval of the recurring event. Example: A recurring event that happens every "2 days", "3 day" etc.
(2) Create recurring events with specified exception dates. Example: Every day between "May 11th" and "April 12th" except on "Sundays" and "May 17th".
(3) If the recurrence occurs on an exception day. You have the choice to reschedule the recurrence to the next possible day or to exclude the recurrence.
(4) If an exception date occurs before the next scheduled recurrence. You have the choice to postpone the recurrence. Example: An event "Piano Lessons" that occurs April 17 an April 25. If April 23 is an exception date, Pocket scheduler gives to the option to move the piano class to April 26.
(3) If however your schedule has no set pattern this app also presents you with a calendar view. The user simply needs to pick all the dates the event occurs and push create and the event is created in the iPhone calendar app.
All events created in this app are pushed to the iPad calendar, with alarms if desired. This lets you keep all your schedules in one place and sync them to all other devices.
All recurring events are currently only supported by some calendars such as Apple iCal calendar.
You can also setup an alarm the same way you would on an iPhone.
The To do list lets you plan your entire day, week, month or year.
If you have any suggestion, question or need any kind of support, please email egobooster@me.com. We would also appreciate comments and rating as these would help us make the app even better.
The iPhone version of Pocket Scheduler Pro is also available on the app store